
喜迎二十大  永远跟党走

2022年重点推荐 书法大家崔元泽传承人——崔龙俊老师专访





Cui Longjun, founder of Cui Ti, Cui yuanze, successor of Cui Ti

Cuilongjun was born in January, 1970 in the family of scholars in Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province.

Currently: member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, member of the central state organ Calligrapher Association, and national first-class calligrapher. Vice president of the painting and Calligraphy Institute of the Sinology inheritance Committee of the Chinese Academy of Oriental culture, vice president of Laozi Tongdao painting and Calligraphy Institute, and vice chairman of the Northeast Branch of China Bayi painting and Calligraphy Institute. Visiting professor of the Academy of fine arts of Tsinghua University, lifelong visiting professor of Peking University, Lao Tzu of China, visiting professor of the Confucius Institute of art, doctoral tutor of the Harvard Institute of art, Honorary Professor of the Royal Academy of art, doctoral tutor of the Oxford Institute of art, doctoral tutor of the London University of the arts, doctoral tutor of the Cambridge Institute of art, and doctoral tutor of the Royal Academy of art of France, Doctoral supervisor of Edinburgh Institute of art, France. The United Nations Art Center has frequently issued: World Art ambassadors, lifetime achievement awards for world culture and art, visiting professors of the Asia Pacific Art Museum in China, visiting professors of the Academy of international studies, lifetime honorary vice chairman of the China painting and calligraphy development association, Forbes' top ten Chinese art ambassadors, and time's art ambassadors. In the hundred years since the founding of the party, the party has participated in hundreds of media at home and abroad to award honorary titles such as people's artist, meritorious artist of the Republic, may day art model worker, etc!


Runge: one square foot 60 thousand, Lao Zi tongdao Association vice president of calligraphy and Painting Academy, China Oriental Culture Research Institute Of Traditional Chinese Culture Inheritance Committee vice president of calligraphy and Painting Academy, China Bayi Calligraphy and Painting Academy northeast branch vice president and executive director and other positions. "Near Wine" (235×185cm) by Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty. Hundreds of domestic and foreign media reports: China News network, China Media Group Culture channel, Chinese artists database network, Xinhua news painting and Calligraphy information network, Beijing news, China Painting and Calligraphy network, global Times network, Wall Street Journal network, Home and abroad network, national two sessions, international Times network! Supported and praised by the media. Explain the Traditional Chinese culture Ouyang Zhongshi, Cui Yuanze, Cui Longjun 3 generations of life is born and inherited, a steady stream of people, generation after generation! Artists strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

His father appeared in dozens of domestic and foreign media reports. Such as :8 feet "Qinyuan Spring snow, the romance of The Three Kingdoms opening words" and other CCTV culture channel, Xinhua news painting and Calligraphy information network, China News broadcast network, Chinese artists database network, Beijing news, global Times network, The Wall Street Journal network, China.com, news network central radio hotline and so on! By the media support and praise! This shows that The Chinese traditional culture ouyang Zhongshi, Cui Yuanze, Cui Longjun 3 generations of life is born and passed on, in a steady stream, handed down from generation to generation someone! Artists strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!


翰墨传写家风 文化铸就国魂——记著名书法家崔龙俊



笔墨畅国运 书法传龙脉——记著名书法家崔龙俊







著名央视书画评论家 史峰  2021年6月18日

Calligraphy and ink-passing family style culture cast the Soul of the nation -- remember the famous calligrapher Cui Longjun

Mr. Cui Longjun has been a great scholar since he was a child, and benefited from the oral instruction of his father, master calligrapher Cui Yuanze, to become the mainstay of the contemporary calligraphy circle. He inherited his family's rich learning, worthy of the responsibility of inheriting Cui School calligraphy. When he practiced his calligraphy skills to perfection, he also educated Yang Xuanning and Jiang Xintong, the third generation of Cui School calligraphy inheritors. Although they were young, they were skilled in writing, so that they could write jin Shujin characters in calligraphy creation. Therefore, the Cui school of calligraphy before the master meritorious deeds, after the young talent inheritance, Cui Longjun inherit the past and write a great legend of intergenerational continuation of calligraphy culture!

The world says choe Yong Joon's calligraphy is precious. Why? Because his calligraphy works are currently a rare collection of art, a flat foot runge sixty thousand yuan, enough to witness his calligraphy works full and bi Sui Zhu general value. Powerful collectors who collected Choe's work in its early years have already benefited from its inestimable appreciation potential. From the current situation, the calligraphy works created by Cui Longjun are still rare and precious, and the harvest and benefit space are immeasurable if they used to be. What is more valuable is that Cui Longjun's calligraphy is not only famous in China, but has already gone out of the country and become the head classic in the international art system. It is a masterpiece of Chinese traditional culture that amazed the world. Foreign art media and professional organizations have reported the value of his calligraphy works. From this point of view, Mr. Cui Longjun is not only an outstanding master of calligraphy, but also an outstanding pioneer of Oriental culture promotion!

Chui Long Jun experienced calligraphy, from the Dharma Jin Dao! While many calligraphic practitioners are still in the stage of "seeking dharma", their calligraphic expression has entered the realm of "Tao can tao and extraordinary Tao". He uses pen and ink to make calligraphy, but he can become tao because of the book. The length of calligraphy lines is relatively long, difficult and easy to be inherited, followed by each other, high and low, and there can be masters who can do nothing and show the wonderful way of calligraphy without words. Therefore, to see his calligraphy is like reading a book of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism accumulated over five thousand years in China. Pen into ink, he wrote calligraphy works, all books exquisite, five body mystery, the most can reflect the depth of calligraphy wonderful, on behalf of people's real kung fu!

As the saying goes, "Regular script is not deceptive". Mastering the creation of regular script is what a calligrapher should look like. Contemporary calligraphy, regular script practice is everywhere, so shallow calligraphy, congenital deficiency. On the contrary, The regular script of Cui Longjun not only has the inheritance of yan Jin liu Bone, but also has the style of their own. The upper and lower are not flush, the left and right are not square, the flat is different, and the height is interesting. It emphasizes the writing effect of calligraphy, makes the pen lively and interesting, writes a wave like foot line and sudden trend, the brush painting has the spirit of the spirit such as the arrangement of clouds, also has the excitement wave to write freely. This kind of regular script is inherited from the ancient style, but it is a new one that has never been seen in ancient times. Just as Liu Kai was passed down from Yan Kai, but it is independent of the achievements of the literary circle, Cui Longjun innovates the new way of regular script writing, without losing the foundation of regular script inheritance, and has the fifth regular script equal to Ou, Yan, Liu and Zhao. Cui body regular script, born is a horizontal gesture, with the law not deceiving the world, work not deceiving people's new cultural achievements!

Book your Dao, dao in the national wind! Just at the glorious moment of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Cui Longjun used his calligraphy to record the great spirit of the great era, or record the great words of national leaders, or write the zhengzheng weather of the rise of great powers, with the lofty pen wind for the national words, with the wanjun pen power for the national power! Calligraphy to write family style, culture cast the soul of the nation. Its calligraphy and family style completely fit, and the rise of the posture of the great power completely match, can make a big heart yan, inspire people to work hard and then forge ahead!




