

In 2022, we will usher in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The first Centennial goal of the Chinese nation has been achieved. March proudly on the road to achieving the second Centennial goal. "The Chinese dream · the beauty of labor -- welcoming the new era of the achievements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" focuses on welcoming, publicizing and implementing the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, publicizing the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labor and the spirit of craftsmen, and striving to write a new chapter in the era of "the Chinese dream · the beauty of labor". Welcome to the new era of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially report on a group of TCM figures who have made outstanding contributions to the development of TCM and the protection of people's health. This article reports the famous Chinese medicine teacher wufaxing.


Wufaxing, male, born in April, 1953 in Guizhou, is a member of the Communist Party of China, a national production expert and a national model worker medal winner. At present, he is the principal of Shuangshui folk TCM rehabilitation center in Shuicheng County, Guizhou Province, a lecturer in traditional Chinese medicine and a characteristic expert in traditional Chinese medicine in the Chinese traditional culture development research center of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences and the national health promotion project organization committee. On december8,1972, he joined the Chinese people's Liberation Army and the infrastructure engineering corps of Shaanxi 0029 army; He joined the Communist Youth League in 1973 and the Communist Party in the same year. In 1974, he won the third class merit once; In 1975, he won the third class merit once; In 1976, he won the second class merit award again. In the same year, it was rated as the advanced pacesetter in the construction of Liaohua Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. and transferred to the infrastructure installation company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau of Shengli Oilfield after 12 years. He was recruited to Liupanshui machinery construction and installation company in 1985 and was transferred to gas installation company as a welding technician in 1988. In 1991, he was rated as an advanced producer, in 1992, he was rated as an excellent Communist Party member, and in the same year, he was rated as a model Excellent Communist Party member. In 1994, he made remarkable achievements in the construction of the four modernizations. He was awarded the title of model worker in the construction of the four modernizations in Guizhou Province, and won the May Day Labor Medal. In the same year, he won the national production expert and national labor model medal.


Diagnosis and treatment direction:


He is good at rehabilitation physiotherapy of difficult diseases, especially at rehabilitation of lung perforation and infertility physiotherapy.


Wufaxing loved the traditional Chinese medicine of the motherland, and under the guidance of his grandparents, through his continuous exploration and efforts in practice.


It has gained a lot of experience, achieved significant results, won wide praise and praise from the society, and reduced pain and economic difficulties for patients.


Due to my special love for the traditional Chinese medicine of the motherland, under the guidance of my grandparents, through my continuous exploration and efforts in practice, I have gained a lot of experience, achieved significant results, and won widespread praise and awards from the society. I am good at rehabilitation physiotherapy of difficult diseases, especially at lung perforation rehabilitation and infertility physiotherapy. It reduces pain and financial difficulties for patients.

个人履历:Personal resume:


On december8,1972, he joined the Shaanxi 0029 unit of the Chinese people's Liberation Army and became an infrastructure engineer.


He joined the Communist Youth League in 1973 and the Communist Party in the same year.


In 1974, he won the third class merit once.


In 1975, he won the third class merit once.


In 1976, it won the second class merit again, and was rated as the advanced pacesetter in the construction of Liaohua Chemical Co., Ltd. in the same year. After 12 years in the army, it was transferred to Shengli Oilfield and the infrastructure installation company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau.


In 1985, he was recruited to Liupanshui machinery construction and installation company.


In 1988, he was transferred to the gas installation company as a welding technician.


In 1991, it was rated as an advanced producer.


In 1992, he was rated as an excellent Communist Party member, and in the same year, he was rated as a model Excellent Communist Party member.


In 1994, he made remarkable achievements in the construction of the four modernizations. He was awarded the title of model worker in the construction of the four modernizations in Guizhou Province, and won the May Day Labor Medal. In the same year, he won the national production expert and national labor model medal.


In june2015, he was awarded the consultant of the Expert Advisory Committee on characteristic therapies of the consulting and Development Department of China Folk Traditional Chinese medicine research and Development Association,


In july2015, through the training held by the China employment training technical guidance center of the Ministry of human resources and social security, he obtained the qualification of senior characteristic recuperator of traditional Chinese medicine.


In december2017, the national science and technology talent training project received professional training, and won the title of senior TCM characteristic therapist.


In september2018, the national professional training of scientific and technological talent training project won the title of senior TCM holographic therapist.


Secret recipe patent:


Special five element food and good medicine for health, blood exchange, disease treatment, detoxification and health preserving pill.


Five elements medicine health and longevity pill.


Five elements food health pill and detoxification pill.


Five elements health preserving and life prolonging Dantong blood vessel washing poison.


The function of the special medicinal powder of the five elements earthly celestial herb formula.


The five elements medicine recuperates the rejuvenation, blood tonifying, detoxifying and health preserving pill.


Five elements medicine rejuvenating kidney invigorating yang blood exchange detoxification health pill.


The five elements food is a good medicine for tonifying the kidney, heart and blood, maintaining health, repairing health and exchanging blood.


Five elements medicine for health, blood exchange, repair cells, eliminate free radicals, enhance potential, all-round health pill.


The Doctors


In the face of patients, teacher Wu first thought of how to cure the disease. In case of a patient with poor family, he can reduce the number of patients and avoid the number of patients. He felt that since the army had trained him, his medical skills should serve the broad masses. As the saying goes, doctors are kind-hearted, which is vividly demonstrated in Mr. Wu.


With high medical skills, good moral character and good medical ethics, Mr. Wu has a good reputation. Every day, a large number of patients come to him for treatment. In order to reduce the economic burden of patients, he reduced the outpatient expenses to the lowest level. Not only give patients the best treatment, but also let them spend less money. This is Jia Jinxi's "way of practicing medicine".


Ex servicemen are the precious wealth of the party and the country. During their service in the army, the vast number of ex servicemen have made sacrifices and contributions to national defense and military construction. When they return to the local areas, they have struggled in all walks of life and made important contributions to local economic and social development. Mr. wuxingfa is not only highly representative and outstanding, but also reflects the overall style of the vast number of retired soldiers in the new era, and shows a good image of "no change of ambition after changing jobs, no fading after leaving the army".


He is indifferent to fame and wealth all his life


Teacher wufaxing enjoyed himself on his way to medical practice after he was discharged from the army. Although he was busy, he enjoyed it. "Although I have been discharged from the army for many years, I still feel that I am shouldering the responsibility of a soldier. I always believe that only by shutting out fame and wealth can I always keep patients in mind. In the future, I will, as always, try my best to help patients relieve their pain and let the style and spirit of a soldier be inherited forever." Mr. Wu also said, "when a soldier leaves the army, he will never fade. I was a soldier, so I must do it. I am also a doctor, so I am glad to continue doing so and serve more people!"


标题:中国当代名中医—— 吴法兴
