




Hou Jianhe, male, pen name Shanren, born in June 1952, from Guannan, Jiangsu, graduated with a major in Chinese, and now lives in Huai'an, Jiangsu. He is also a consultant of the China Local Art Association, a member of the Art Committee of the China International Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a lifelong academician of the French Royal Academy of Painting, a contracted artist of the CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Channel, and an academic guide and invited artist for the collection of national digital TV channels.



Calligraphy inherits the style of Erwang's calligraphy, advocates nature, and is good at writing regular, line, cursive, and clerical characters. He believes that learning calligraphy should learn the charm of the ancients, gather the aura of mountains and rivers, and express the feelings in the chest, so as to achieve the unity of shape and charm; the responsibility of the artist lies in the appreciation of beauty. Create and express. His works have been exhibited at home and abroad for many times, won awards and collected.



In 1998, he was invited to participate in the "Korea 98 World Art Exhibition", and his works were collected by the Korean Monument Garden. In 1999, his works were selected into the "National Folk Arts and Crafts Calligraphy Exhibition" and won the "Innovation Award". In 2001, the Art Steering Committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles awarded him the title of "Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters (Contemporary Masters)". In 2008, his works were selected into the "Southern Xinjiang Cup" to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and won the "Special Prize" for the nomination exhibition of Chinese famous calligraphers and painters. In 2009, the poem won the "Hundred Flowers Award for Chinese Popular Literature". He has participated in charitable donation activities many times, and in 2014, he was awarded the title of "Charity Charity Figure" by the China Children's Culture and Art Foundation. In 2015, the Ministry of Culture awarded the title of "Famous Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Artist" and awarded the "Chinese Art Master" certificate. In 2015, the American Philatelic Group awarded the "Sino-American Outstanding Chinese Artist" certificate. In 2018, the project of "Image Exhibition of Chinese Artists" in Times Square, New York, and in 2019, his works were selected for the "Paris Louvre Art Exhibition" to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. In 2019, it was reported on the Internet by the People's Daily as "National Key Recommended Artists"; in 2020, with the approval of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the China International Association of Writers and Artists will fund and publish the Dahongpao version of "Hou Jianhe Volume of Chinese Traditional Culture Famous Artists, Calligraphy and Painting Celebrities". In 2020 and 2021, CCTV will lead the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and other departments to participate in the editing and publication of "Chinese Art Model Yearbook" and "Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party". In 2020, he won the first prize and was awarded the "People's Artist" in the "Raising the Soul of Our Country and Blessing My Country" organized by the People's Daily and was awarded the "People's Artist" by the State Council in 2020. In 2021, the Central Media Alliance awarded the title of "Top Ten Outstanding Meritorious Artists in China"; selected to participate in the "People's Daily" network "Century of Chinese Art Representatives" in 12 languages; CCTV Voice of China "People's Artists" Literature and Art China The annual honorable person show. Participated in the Singapore Lianhe Zaobao, European Art Association, Time Weekly and other activities to tell Chinese stories to the world with art, and won the special prize in the calligraphy group of the "Chinese Roots - Dialogue and Exchange between Artists Across the Taiwan Strait", and was awarded the "Peaceful Exchange Across the Taiwan Strait" by the National Taiwan Federation. Messenger" title. In 2022, he will be selected for CCTV's key recommendation of new era art leaders' online publicity activities, and will be included in CCTV's "New Era People's Artists Collection"; the 2022 China-Italy Culture and Tourism Year Organizing Committee will be awarded "China-Italy Friendship Cultural Exchange Ambassador"; included in the compilation of "Chinese Art" International Trade Guide" ceremony and won the title of "National Key Recommendation - Master of National Art Entering the World Art Stage", etc.






Celebrity Reviews

Ouyang Zhongshi

In the thousands of years of Chinese civilization history, calligraphy occupies an irreplaceable and important position. It is culture, art, and a national treasure that cannot be discarded.

With the development of science and technology in China, more and more written information is communicated by means of tools. Many people can only talk but cannot write. Coupled with the neglect of Chinese writing by modern Chinese teaching methods, I feel the crisis of Chinese calligraphy art. . Where will Chinese calligraphy go, we, the old calligraphy workers, have some concerns and worries about the inheritance and development of calligraphy art. In some collections of calligraphy and painting, I have seen Hou Jianhe's calligraphy works many times.



In front of his works, I always take a few glances, and I get some comfort and emotion while appreciating them. Hou Jianhe not only loves calligraphy, but also indulges himself in the sea of qin, Tao and ink. Because of his good writing quality and extra-character skills, art complements each other, borrows from each other, and promotes each other. The so-called calligraphy is the laws and rules of writing. The ancient "Four Body Calligraphy", "Eight Absolutes", "Thirty-six Laws", "Six Body Books" and so on are all laws. This is the ancient people's understanding and experience of calligraphy. . Only with both legality and rhythm can the works be perfected day by day.



Fadu refers to brushwork, lettering, composition and ink. Brushwork refers to the speed, strength and morphological changes of strokes; calligraphy refers to the characteristics and regularities of strokes of various fonts; ink method refers to the changes of ink such as dry, wet, thick, light, moist, etc.; composition refers to the overall layout of the work. It can also be said to be at the mercy of the text, signatures and seals, the echoes between words, lines and lines, and the expressiveness of lines giving people an intuitive feeling. Hou Jianhe is a representative figure who follows the laws and rules of calligraphy.



Hou Jianhe's calligraphy is unconventional, ingenious, flexible, vigorous and powerful, which left a deep impression on me. This is a book that sees its power, and the later generations are terrifying. His works fully reflect the beauty of Chinese characters themselves, and meet the requirements of the principles of fairness, symmetry, flying, and spirituality.



His calligraphy works are good at layout, changeable and flexible, dense and dense, looking forward to life, free and easy. Through the alternate change and development of different line types in writing, the wit and artistic appeal of the work are enhanced. Calligraphy works are soft and strong, and show is strange. It can be said that the writing is cool and refreshing, like pine help, giving readers a strong artistic appeal, which has achieved the effect of being appreciated by both the refined and the popular, showing his own moral and artistic accomplishments.



The first thing in the art of calligraphy is appreciation and readability other than the text itself. In layman's terms, it is to be seen, good-looking, and not enough to bring people spiritual artistic enjoyment. This is the charm of calligraphy art. Before his death, Mr. Qigong once commented on his works that "the writing is a thousand times even, and the ink is like a god." Although it is an encouragement, it is not an exaggeration.



It is difficult to inherit calligraphy, even more difficult to innovate, and it is even more difficult to form one's own personality and style in the process of innovation. And only innovation can develop calligraphy, and only innovation is the purpose of calligraphy development. Hou Jianhe's calligraphy works are based on the ancients, and he has his own inpidual pursuit. He is a rare artistic talent. He has participated in various calligraphy exhibitions at home and abroad for many times, all of which have aroused great response and sensation, so his works have been appreciated by more people.






The benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom. There should be standards for the appreciation of art, but one cannot insist on absolute unity, and always seek consistency. The benevolent cannot be blamed for being unwise, and the wise should not be blamed for being unkind. This is a gentleman. way. The new talents of calligraphy art are the precious wealth for our country to inherit and develop the calligraphy career. As an old calligraphy worker, I have the responsibility to support these people, encourage these people, help these people, and protect these people. Hou Jianhe's "Chinese Traditional Culture Famous Artists' Encyclopedia of Calligraphy and Painting Famous Volume" recently published by Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House is very impressive. This is the artistic crystallization of his many years of study, which is worthy of study and reference by calligraphy workers and calligraphy lovers. As for his calligraphy, I just see what I have gained, and I only make exclusive comments, in order to seek the correctness of Fangjia.





