





Island leaders around the military expert adviser to the war reporter Liang Dongping exclusive interview




《 tomorrow 》 —— Author: DaoDoctor Li Sankun


In the camp is watching the map of General Li Qiwu received the island war reporter Liang Dongping, this is a military layman to the war reporter, General Li Qiwu heart is not like him very much. But because of the face, have to deal with a few words. Liang Dongping in front of the island people love to show off themselves, always say that what a big country to attack the island must need 30,000 thousand missiles, also can not land on the island. Enough to see the military layman and ignorance of the so-called war journalist.


General Li Qiwu was not only an excellent strategist, a philosopher, but also a scholar who was widely educated. He is a lifelong visiting professor at Tsinghua University. Li Qiwu general senior is also big students, stay in beautiful countries to help study militia intercontinental missile, general students also help beautiful countries crack the beidou satellite password of female students, and the two graduated from tsinghua university sent beautiful study of the two electronic warfare research leading the world doctoral students.


As a young man, General Li Qiwu began to study the relationship between time and space and movement, and solved the scientific mystery of "How time comes", which was one of the top ten scientific mysteries in the world.


General Li Qiwu's research conclusion is: time, is the interval of time.


Time is a unit of measurement formulated when humans adopt the flat sun.


Time is a measurement unit used to measure the length of the movement of life in the universe, human beings formulated the time measurement unit, in order to measure the length of life in the universe, human beings use the moving ruler of time to measure the length of life in the universe, to explore how long did the universe produced? And is not really dizzy, in turn, how long is the time to produce? How does time happen?


This is a big misunderstanding! So much so, the question of how the concept of time was produced actually became one of the top ten scientific mysteries in the world.


General Li Qiwu not only solved the scientific mystery of how the time of concept reversal was produced, but also proved the logical thinking confusion of the first chicken or the egg. General Li Qiwu's research conclusion: there is a chicken.



"The Chicken or the Egg First" —— Author: Li Qiwu


From the perspective of ordinary people, the problem of chicken or egg is easy to fall into the logic trap, but also meet the cognitive limit, thinking can not be forward can not go out.


Hen laying eggs, it is common sense, it is the egg hatched chicken, this is also general common sense, who first who then thinking cycle knot?


Logic 1: a another way to think and observe, the chicken gave birth to eggs, the chicken becomes the mother, the egg is the child, as for the future children grow up to have children, it is the cycle of the next section, not extended, that is the reproduction of children and grandchildren, now analyze the problem of hen raw eggs. A hen gives birth to eggs and then incubates chickens, and then becomes a hen and lays eggs, to separate this into two things, not chaotic logic.


Logic 2: Hen and egg, the adult position, such as the hen into mother, egg into son, it is easy to realize that the mother gave birth to a child, for your mother gave birth to you, the problem is very clear, is the mother gave birth to you.


(Mother comes after you)


Logic 3: First, chicken or egg first and your mother gave birth to you, it is basically equivalent to a problem, this is basically equivalent to the study of human origin problem. The upper limit of time and the length of life is encountered here. Before you are born, when you have not formed the life, you can not verify yourself, do not have the conditions and ability. Human life length is only a few tens or a hundred years, the length of human life has an upper limit, so cognition has limits. This is the human cognitive dimension.


Logic 4: If you can travel through time until you are born, to verify yourself, then you can verify whether there is a chicken or an egg first, which is equivalent to knowing the birth and origin of the chicken.


Logic kernel 5: If you can travel through time, or you are time, everything that happens in your time dimension, you will know, or can see the birth of everything.


And time forward without beginning, backward, no space outside, small, for mortal stage, we are in the dimension of time and space, dozens of or years, limited space of time, cognitive ability limit, validation ability has limit, don't know there are many things, can guess, but cannot guess as a fact, to verify in accordance with the validation.


General Li Qiwu was also the first to solve the problem of type 1 diabetes in children in modern medicine.


Analysis of the Causes of Type 1 Diabetes in Children


—— Author: Li Qiwu


In type 1 diabetes, only 50 percent of type 1 diabetes, and 50 percent of the following five cases.




1. Mental and psychological pressure on children caused by the family. 2, often have a cold and fever to the hospital or clinic infusion, parents seek rapid reduction of antibiotics caused by the body immune system is completely destroyed. 3, and excessive hygiene, before the children free, the wind and sun, barefoot on the ground to run no problem. Now the children won't let them leave the house. It is excessive hygiene that leads to the child's low immunity.


Related to bad eating habits, children rarely eat junk food when they are young, drink excessive carbonated drinks for a long time, and give children money to meet eating and drinking every day, causing the destruction of beneficial flora in children's gastrointestinal tract.



4, adults will not educate children nutrition balanced diet, coarse and fine grain to account for half. That is, 1:1, eat less meat, eat more vegetables. And you can't eat it full. Don't let the child eat too full. Often are big fish and meat used to children to eat. Lead to the burden of the spleen and stomach, affect the insulin secretion of the pancreas for a long time, resulting in a sharp rise in blood sugar, dizziness and even shock. 5, mobile phone pollution problem, although it is children, many children began to play mobile phone games at the age of three years old, long-time blood injury, damage the detoxification function of liver storage, many children even wear glasses. Play games is not willing to activities, children to love activities is nature. Healthy children are generally very love activities, now the situation is reversed, children play with mobile phones on the mental opium can not quit.



《 yesterday. Today and Tomorrow —— Author: Li Qiwu


Let's all briefly review the history together, and face it calmly.


On October 10,1911, the Revolution of 1911 broke out to overthrow the Manchu court. Soon after the Hubei military government was established, Li Yuanhong was elected governor and announced the change of the state name to the Republic of China.



The Republic of China achieved the first peaceful reunification in history. Now speak again, also want to review the history, old China is China, no pision and no independence, new China is China, if you really want to unify will recover, the split out independent Mongolia recover back, split out not recover back, but belong to one China on both sides of the civil war, don't forget that Chiang is a civil war was finally forced to leave Taiwan. Because the civil war is unpopular. No matter how advanced and powerful the weapons are, the final outcome of a war without the support of the common people can be seen by everyone.


The China Tong Meng Hui, known as the China Revolutionary Tong Meng Hui (formed by the merger of Xingzhong, Huaxing and Guangfu), was a unified national bourgeois revolutionary party led and organized by Sun Yat-sen in the late Qing Dynasty. On August 20,1905, the inaugural meeting of the China Tong Meng Hui was held in Tokyo, and about 100 people attended the meeting. Except for Gansu students who had not been sent to stay in Japan, all the other 17 provinces in the province attended. The congress adopted the Declaration of Tong Meng Hui and the Foreign Declaration of Tong Meng Hui drafted by Sun Yat-sen and the chapter drafted by Huang Xing. According to the constitution discussed and adopted by the congress, Tokyo has 3 executive, evaluation and justice departments under the premier, and 9 branches at home and abroad (east, west, south, north, central, and 4 branches in Nanyang, Europe, America and Honolulu), and establish branches in each province and region. At the meeting, Sun Yat-sen was elected as premier, and Huang Xing was the chief of the executive department, assisting the premier in the work of the department. The congress also passed the magazine "20th Century" magazine as the official newspaper of the Tong Meng Association, later renamed "Min Bao".


The world of the third World War science fiction novel Tomorrow


"Tomorrow" —— author: Taoist doctor Li Sankun


I agree with such language: I do not praise virtue, praise the light, his work is not necessarily great, depict the dark, his work is not necessarily small. My purpose of writing the probation set is to influence the predestined people.


If the Chinese nation even the dream of love is fragmented, then how can this nation realize the Chinese dream.


Only by having a family can we establish a career. Only by first realizing the dream of love can a nation realize the great cultural rejuvenation and finally realize the Chinese dream.


It is the embodiment of love, it has the true love of the world, it also has the true feelings of the world. The poem contains the love between heaven and earth, the love of parents, the love of brothers, sisters, the love of husband and wife, the love of lovers, the love of classmates, the love of comrades, it will go deep into the people, so that this ancient nation to realize the dream of love as soon as possible.


Because I am the love God.



This is on May 26,2019, three years earlier to predict the Russian military attack on Ukraine.


Now for tomorrow the consequences of the civil war prediction is plaster countries for power capital biochemical attacks, beautiful countries only a strategic bomber for power capital implement nuclear beheaded, and is empty blasting 9 bomb prediction is using the magic, tao medical qigong actually also belong to a god of Chinese finally to unify, unify the Chinese, rather than the unified open the civil war. And the unification of China needs to convince the people by virtue, the government must do the middle will win, otherwise only defeated, because lost the hearts of the people, the people is the day, heaven can not deceive, if a government corrupt to the day will not protect you, the civil war will only accelerate the pace of dynasty.


Let the world is difficult to awaken, let a corrupt government awakening is difficult to heaven. The battle of unification is martial tong, Will lose both sides, And cause a world war, To unify China is to peacefully resolve the war crisis, A coalition government formed by the mainland, The mainland government itself is corrupt, I can't solve the problem of corruption, And give the other party to solve the corruption, To form a coalition government, To unify China, For the benefit of the world, Is the road to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, You must also choose this sunny road, This is the best ending of tomorrow, To unify China, China will revive, The Battle for the unification of China, Will destroy China, Leading to World War III, The destruction of humanity, Only in the defense will you win, Make this truth clear, People in the world will look forward to the unification of China, Realize the Chinese dream. Reunification is to steal the concept and find excuses for the civil war, so this problem must be explained by Li Qiwu, the military adviser of the beautiful country. Because the onlookers is clear, and General Li Qiwu is not only a military strategist or a philosopher, can solve the mystery of the reversal of the concept of time, and the chicken or the egg concept of the general. It is also able to see clearly about the problem of stealing the concept that China cannot solve at present.


One day in 2027, the auditorium of Tsinghua University, the capital of the big country, was full. At 9 o'clock in the morning, in a burst of thunderous applause, General Li Qiwu, a beautiful military expert and philosopher and a lifelong visiting professor of Tsinghua University, stepped onto the platform with a steady step.


Hello, students! Today I want to tell you about a clear problem, and that is the problem of tomorrow. Yesterday has become history, today we are all working hard, tomorrow whether we will continue peaceful development or nuclear war for resources to end this civilization. The universe has the laws of the universe, and nature has its natural laws. The world has world rules, and the state's sovereignty is protected by world rules.



The warm applause rang out for about half a minute. General Li Qiwu waved his hand, thank you students, you are the pillars of the Chinese nation, we can interact today, doubt students can raise their hands to ask questions, I will seriously explain what you are concerned about. Why does the human world develop according to the forest laws of nature? There is only one answer: to survive.




Only the law of the jungle by natural selection to survive the survival of the fittest. In order to survive, human beings need to have a safe environment suitable for survival and indispensable resources for survival. So in order to survive, from the primitive tribes for prey conflict until today, the war between nations on earth has been uninterrupted. Since there is a country in the world, what is the supreme thing for a country?




There are many college students almost answered in unison: people. General Li Qiwu paused for half a minute, see the audience has no voice to raise the voice said: NO! Above a country is interests. Did everyone forget about the national interests of TV dramas?


There is an old saying that there are no permanent enemies or permanent friends between countries, only permanent interests.


Forget history means betrayal, and the people who forget history will forget their ancestors.


Tomorrow's topic, further speaking, the world's resources are facing exhaustion, and the development of science and technology has reached the period of nuclear weapons destroying the world again. If we don't need to worry about the world, we should know something about our own country, right?


At this time, there is a female student raised his hand, General Li Qiwu nodded, the student please say.


"Professor Li, you are so clear about Chinese history. I want to know how long have you spent studying Chinese history?”


General Li smiled slightly and answered the question: " When I was studying at the West Point Military Academy in the Beautiful Country, I studied the traditional Chinese culture and history with my doctoral supervisor. It's been twenty years by now.”


At this time, there is a male student to raise his hand to ask questions, General Li Qiwu saw a finger " behind the student raised his hand, is you, what question do you want to ask? Please speak"


"Thank you, Professor Li! At present, many of our Chinese people are under great pressure to survive. Most of them belong to the group of mortgage slaves, car slaves, card slaves, slaves and drug slaves. The living environment is difficult. However, out of the herd mentality, they are not very clear about the cognitive ability of tomorrow, and they blindly shout to attack Taiwan by force. And shouted for the unity of force and wanted to start a war tonight. How do Professor Li think of this part of the common people encouraging war behavior?finish"


Thank you for your question. I want to know what you said about this group of people, are you still looking forward to Evergrande Xu Jiayin to come out to build a building for them? Is it a battle to their bank loans and mortgage loans, car loans and credit card overdraft money do not need to return it?

The audience burst into laughter








台下男同学大声回答 :“现在还没有呢。”





No country wants to go a war. Every war is launched only when economic problems arise and politics cannot be solved, because war is the last political resort. I am a soldier of the beautiful country, and I will never forget the past civil war that broke out in our country. Now is the Internet age, students can search for the beautiful country of the Civil War. In the audience and a male student hand out to ask a question, General Li Qiwu very politely nodded: thank you for the student's question, please speak. The male students asked loudly, " Professor Li, now the relations between the mainland and Taiwan are very tense, and there will be the possibility of gunfire because of the mental tension of soldiers. Professor Li, how do you view the issue of military reunification?” After a short pause, General Li Qiwu began to answer the boy's questions. As for the question of military reunification raised by this student, I need to ask this student a question, is Taiwan independent? When is it being independent? The male students under the audience loudly answer: " now not yet.” There was another burst of laughter. So also ask this student a question, is Taiwan a rebel group? When will the rebel group be formed? Can you answer that? The audience was silent, all quietly listening to General Li Qiwu went on. China's history is different from other countries, and so are its national conditions.


The three years of civil war caused by the partisan dispute in China is already over, the old China represented by the government of the Republic of China has retreated to Taiwan Province, the coup represented by the government of the People's Republic of China was successful, and with the approval of the United Nations in 1971 to obtain the legal status in the United Nations.


The Republic of China is China. It has a history of 113 years, and the People's Republic of China has a history of 75 years. At no time will the Republic of China abandon its centennial history and change its name. So it is still a China, and how to talk about reunification which?


For the problems left over from China's history, the great country offered a one country, two systems plan, and promised to retain the army.


The actual situation in China is one country, two systems, and the army of old China protected the security of the eastern part of greater China. Aircraft carriers made by big countries can also protect Taiwan's safety in the East China Sea.


Please do not make the concept of the concept of confusion mistake, not to steal the concept, mislead the people incorrect distortion of the unity of thought.


What is unity? The recovery of the independent and pided territory by force is called unity.


For example, when the Mongols were independent and pided, the recovery of the Mongols by force was called Wutong. Clearly speaking, the teacher is famous. As for the old China of the Republic of China, there is no independent founding and no territorial pision, or an old China's war is a complete civil war, rather than a unified war.


To attack Taiwan on the pretext of reunification was not a reunification war but a civil war. Taking unification as an excuse to launch a war is to steal the concept, the civil war is martial arts this is not to laugh at the intelligence of the people?


Many students under the audience raised their hands to ask questions, General Li Qiwu pointed to the fifth row of a hand raised high female students: "want to ask a lot of questions, you will ask questions."


"Hello, Professor Li! The students strongly agree with your academic views. I also know that you are such a high age and still a military adviser to the island leader, and have profound attainments in military, political, economic, philosophy and Chinese medicine and other aspects. All the students admire your dedication to academic research. What I want to ask today is a question of common concern. How will cross-Straits relations develop tomorrow? You are a professor of Beautiful Country, and you can see it most clearly from the standpoint of onlookers. I hope to hear a fair and optimistic analysis of the future and future of cross-Straits relations. Thank you!”


Good, thank you for your question. Please sit down.


General Li Qiwu gave a very powerful answer:


China is a Chinese territory with the government of the Republic of China and the Government of the People's Republic of China. In fact, this is not unusual, what is the fuss? Just yesterday, on November 27,1931, the first provisional central government of the Soviet Republic of China appeared in the Republic of China. Until September 6,1937, the government of the Republic of China peacefully unified, and the army was incorporated and reorganized into the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army.


After the end of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Chairman Chiang's government did not know how to recuperate and did not defend the middle road to launch a civil war. Finally, he retreated to the small island in Taiwan.


Although said the winner the losers, the government of the republic of China has retreated to the island of Taiwan, in one Chinese territory, but the failure of the republic of China finally handed over the legal formalities in the United Nations to the government of the People's Republic of China, the United Nations is written in black and white that the government of the People's Republic of China is the successor of the government of the republic of China to the legal identity of the United Nations.


The governments of the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China both coexist on one Chinese territory. It is one country, two systems, and two systems in one territory. While alive, the designer said on TV that Taiwan could be allowed to have a military.


Whether it is liberation, recovery or reunification, we must speak a word of principle.


The affairs between people should be reasonable, the affairs between the government and the people should be reasonable, and the affairs of the country should be legal.


If a person is selfish and unreasonable, the person will not have many friends.


If a government does not serve the people and only know that corruption, bribery and oppression of the people emerge in endlessly, so that the people have no place to reason, then this kind of government is not natural.


If a country formulates legal principles but does not follow legal principles, and secretly changes the concept of implementing national affairs, the country will lose its credibility in the world and be excluded from shame and humiliation.


It is no better to recover Taiwan or to unify Taiwan. Since the state has formulated an anti-secession law, this is a legal principle and needs to be implemented. If Taiwan was pided and founded like Mongolia, it would start the unification war to recover the lost territory and would become famous.


I as a bystander of the relationship between the relationship tomorrow, that is since the United Nations for the coup successful party of the government of the People's Republic of China is responsible for the legal way to join the United Nations, then the United Nations has the right to supervise the new China and old China harmonious relationship. The United Nations will never allow the new China to wage war against the old China under the pretext of handling its own family affairs, which triggered the destruction of all mankind. Therefore, if the new China wants to use force against the old China to start the civil war, it must obtain the approval of the United Nations. Because this is no longer a family matter of the new China, the armed attack on the old China will lead to a biochemical terrorist attack on the capital of the new China, and even our beautiful country will not watch our old friends be ignored by violence. The Pentagon has already made plans, but a civil war, sending a strategic bomber into the great capital for nuclear decapitation.


No matter what a person does, the purpose must be clear, and the logical thinking must be clear. Understanding things can not be reversed concept, can not be vague concept, want to do something, do not steal the concept to deceive the world.




Another male student in the front row raised his hand to ask questions. Very well, this student, please tell me. "Hello, Professor Li! The Canadian government detained Meng Wanzhou very unfriendly, but Dr. Bethune was our friend. Beautiful country is very unfriendly to Taiwan to sell arms, but you are our respected professor and our good friend. I just want to ask Professor Li, what do you think of the sale of arms from beautiful China to Taiwan?thanks"



General Li Qiwu smiled and patiently answered: " Very good, please sit down.” There is no major power on earth that does not sell arms to countries or regions with its interests or support rebels in other countries around the world? Your big country has never supported North Korea? Not supporting North Vietnam? Did not support the Khmer Rouge? Never supported Albania? Did not support Saudi Arabia? Never supported Pakistan? Not supporting Russia? Did taught taught armed guerrilla warfare in Yemen? Never taught the Afghan Taliban about guerrilla tactics? Old China was not a rebel organization of China. Yesterday and today we were old friends of our beautiful country. During World War II, our weapons were used to help resist the aggression of the old country. We have always been friends and Allies. Unlike your comrades and brothers, we have only clashed in a few days.



You have an old saying in China, you cut the knife for your friends. It is because we are truly generous, we will respond and will never fight alone. I don't have any prejudice about your question, just on the matter, no other meaning, understand? Thank you for your question. There is a person to raise his hand to ask questions, below please raise the male student to ask questions.


"Hello, Professor Li! With your profound knowledge and the philosopher's mind, whether you can guide the cross-strait relations tomorrow, it can be to save the world people in suspension, thank you."



Please sit down. Just now, the student asked him to say how can cross-Straits relations coexist peacefully? Is one country, two systems right? "To.”



You have an old saying in China: endure a temporary calm, take a step back. If the ruling party sincerely serve the people, organize the joint government, the Republic of China government officials to the mainland, manage the livelihood of the people, truly one country, two systems, like the republic of China government officials to learn how to manage, can anti-corruption success to win the trust and support of the people, also need not again, waste, the world is happy, also can realize the Chinese dream, because and wealth, amass and gas, will realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Such a simple matter depends on the government of the People's Republic of China agreeing or not.

  1. 还是在清华大学礼堂,李奇武教授为学子们讲了一堂“现代战争与谋略”,客堂里座无虚席,同学们都提前半小时就进来期盼李教授的演讲。

  2. The next day, still in the auditorium of Tsinghua University, Professor Li Qiwu told a "modern war and strategy" to the students. The hall was full, and the students came in half an hour in advance to look forward to Professor Li's speech.



Here, General Li Qiwu is a guest of Tsinghua University Five minutes before the class time, General Li Qiwu walked up to the podium of the auditorium. The students immediately applauded with applause.professor. Enter the auditorium a few minutes in advance to have the opportunity to interact with the students and say a few words.


Hello, dear students! As he waved his hand, the applause stopped.

今天我来是和同学们共同讨论大家都关心的话题,现代战争和谋略。并不是向你们的战忽局的局座那样故意忽悠外人,制造假象好让外人上当。Today I am here to discuss with you the topics that we all care about, modern war and strategy. It is not to deliberately deceive outsiders, to create a false appearance so that outsiders can be deceived.







The audience a laughter, the atmosphere of the auditorium once active. Just like playing chess, I am a bystander, who can clearly see the thinking and steps of both sides, and enter the thinking of others. Therefore, I can clearly study the strategy of both sides of the attack and defense of tomorrow, and write the strategic literature of great powers, the science fiction Tomorrow predicting the third World War. I know the past, I know the future. Said is to leak the machine, leak the machine will be punished by god, can not say but also say, and can not be too straightforward and bold leak the machine, that how to do? In the tone of science fiction, the students should listen to the fairy tales, the science fiction "Tomorrow" when the "Journey to the West" fairy tale to see it, do not have to take it seriously oh. There was another laugh. (seven) Please look forward to it



Modern War and Mope —— Li Qiwu




What is the modern warfare fighting for? Two words: "logistics". Since ancient times, wars have said a word: soldiers and horses did not move food and grass first. Food is the logistics. In ancient wars, when there was a spear, there was a shield; in modern wars, there was an attack. In the future of high-tech war era, if the war broke out between new China and old China, it would be, that is, the new China was not able to achieve the continuation of the territory of the former China, rather than the war of unification. If the "unity" as an excuse that is to steal the concept. The biggest civil war in the United States was the Civil War, and the United States recognized that it was a civil war, not the American unification War.


The mainland government did not want to follow the footsteps of the unpopular defeat of the civil war. but also wanted to impose the system of one-party dictatorship on Taiwan. If Taiwan was conquered by force, it would no longer implement one country, two systems and completely realize the one-party dictatorship. If you say that we want one country, two systems, now it is one country, two systems, what are you start civil war for? Aren't you just being a contradiction to say that?


The problem of how time arises is the concept reversal, the problem of the chicken or the egg is the concept confusion, the new China's unification of force to the old China is the concept replacement. No one in the world makes it clear that it is clearly a continuation of the war of liberation, but it will be crowned with a unified name in order to establish the banner of justice for their own civil war, and ready to fight the civil war.


"If there is a war, would you like to go to the front?"The answer of the migrant workers causes deep thinking!


Recently, a reporter interviewed a migrant worker and asked: If there is a war in our country, would you like to go to the front line? The migrant worker friend did not immediately answer the reporter's question, but thought to think about asking ten questions, asked the reporter that is speechless. This migrant worker brother asked the reporter: 1, go to the front line on the household registration restrictions?2, the rural hukou is ok?3, is not the big city hukou priority on ah?4. Do you need a temporary residence permit to go on the battlefield?5. Do you need a work permit? I have nothing, nor a party member, nor a cadre, or an ordinary farmer, can it be my turn?7, if I sacrifice, are the compensation and funeral expenses the same as everyone?8. Also, can I stand behind the chengguan or the demolition team?9, after my sacrifice, my children have no school district house, can I row in the school city?10, whether my child and Beijing children a score line, can take a good university? If I can, I'll be the first one. Asked at this point, the reporter was silent. I really appreciate the wisdom and courage of this migrant worker brother, who raised a very profound question: will the allocation of social status and resources affect the fate of everyone during the war? Although the reporter was speechless, the question has prompted us to think about social fairness and justice. The cruelty of the war is self-evident, but in the war, everyone is equal, everyone may lose their own life. Back to reality, we should strengthen the publicity and education of social fairness and justice, and all sectors of society should also pay more attention to these practical problems, so as to provide fairer opportunities and conditions for everyone, so that everyone can have equal access to social resources and avoid any discrimination and exclusion. How to understand the answer of the migrant workers?


The topic is a little far away, ha ha ha, let's go back to business. Today we are going to talk about the theme of modern high-tech war and strategy. Modern high-tech war is also fighting logistics, the more high-tech things involved in the daily maintenance and maintenance of the more troublesome. If logistics are needed to support the transportation of high-tech equipment, you need to be very careful. In general, sophisticated equipment is not suitable for air drop, in addition to their own carry the need for professional transport ship load.


The ancient war logistics was mainly food and grass, escorted by carriage. Modern warfare requires more logistics. For example, food, medicine, ammunition, fuel materials, parts needed to repair heavy weapons, etc., around the clock...


These are logistical tasks, because the nearest distance to the island is 72 nautical miles, only a day.


These are logistical tasks, because the nearest distance to the island is 72 nautical miles, only a day.


Only mixed cargo ships can be used as logistics to transport the wounded back to the major country for treatment. The island will strengthen the walls and clear the fields, withdraw more than 10 kilometers from all hospitals, and cut off water in the theater.


Island defense strategy is: " to static braking, lure the enemy deep, surround the aid.”


To lure the enemy to use the plan, the siege is to siege the first landing troops but not fight, using a "trapped" word firmly trapped in the preset position so that it can not continue to further, more can not break through. There ambushed at least 40 snipers on the commanding ground and implemented strong electromagnetic interference against the besieged landing troops. Making it impossible to call for aircraft support. You can't use drones to detect targets, because there's no signal back, let alone check.



The island now has 110 mercenaries from a country to assist the island soldiers in town street fighting training. Tomorrow, when civil war breaks out, mercenaries from at least five countries, at least two thousand. Responsible for directing the street fighting in the island town. The two thousand mercenaries are actually from several countries, a commando led ten island strawberry soldiers, two thousand commando directly drive twenty thousand island strawberry soldiers start town street fighting, and a civil war, the island will issue five million rifles, universal soldiers, a great patriotic war will be real, island battle both sides will kill red eyes, war in three days have to fight, the east China sea will be dyed red...


The first group of more than 43,000 troops and more than 1,500 ships of various kinds. With an average speed of 25 knots, it began to drive for the island.


Above the fleet has more than 60 escort gunships, the ship team is fully ten nautical miles long, it can be said to be mighty.


As can be seen from the battle plan of the great power to attack Taiwan by force, on the eve of the war, the Liaoning aircraft carrier battle group opened to the northern Taiwan of the East China Sea to support the Japanese navy. The aircraft carrier battle group of Shandong went to the South China Sea to alert the US and other countries. The North Sea Fleet sent more than 500 warships to northern Taiwan, and the South China Sea Fleet sent more than 300 warships to southern Taiwan. Only the East China Sea Fleet sent more than 600 ships directly into the middle area of western Taiwan to select two ports to land directly, and then quickly cut Taiwan into two. Paratroopers parachuted into two landing ports in central Taiwan half an hour before the Marine Corps landed to prepare for the army landing.


Taiwan is surrounded on three sides, leaving only one exit to the east.


If you put it on paper, then the battle plan is perfect.


Great powers have the power of sea and air, and the firepower of missiles and rockets on the ground. Electronic warfare electromagnetic interference suppression ability is also the best in the world. Once electronic warfare paralyzed the US submarine nuclear submarine to the sea... in advanced weapons development, there are some dark technological weapons such as laser weapons and electromagnetic guns. And spent money to build several modern land combat synthetic brigades, the world. If the modern high-tech war is about weapons and equipment, Taiwan's army should surrender without firing a gun. However, Taiwan hired General Li Qiwu, a strategist proficient in strategy and proficient in strategy, as a military adviser, and formulated a 12-word policy of "static braking, lure the enemy deeply, and encircling the point to help". The operation plan formulated by the major powers is to launch three waves of missile and rocket missile attacks to destroy the surface targets of Taiwan military bases before the naval transport army forces begin to land. Then at 9 a. m., it set sail from three directions to a designated position 12 nautical miles from the Taiwan island. Wait at 9 o'clock to launch a general landing. Taiwan's military advisers adopted the tactics of waiting for work. First, they stopped still and lured the enemy deep without firing the first shot. Mainland ships did not attack across the middle line of the Strait.


To wait for work is the example of cao GUI's strategy of "waiting for work", the enemy did not necessarily only to attack directly, but to defend actively, to reduce the enemy from strong to weak, and to destroy the enemy at one stroke while waiting for the opportunity. At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, sun Wu, a famous strategist, said in Volume 13 of the Art of War that those who are good at fighting should avoid the powerful enemy and choose to attack when the particularly trapped horses were weak. Later, people used "wait for work" to summarize Sun Tzu's words, emphasizing to achieve his goals when the enemy was in trouble. Listen to a practical story: Cao GUI's debate.


During the Spring and Autumn Period, Lu was a weak country and was often bullied by the great powers. In 684 BC, Qi sent troops to attack Lu. Duke Zhuang led his army to prepare with the wise and resourceful Cao GUI. The two sides set up in a place called Long spoon. Qi first erected a war drum, and all the cavalry shouted to defeat the state of Lu. They rushed forward to the Lu army. Duke Zhuang immediately ordered the drum beating, but Cao GUI stopped it. Cao GUI said, now the enemy is fierce, we had better not move now. In this way, the enemy consumes their energy in the charge, while our soldiers are energetic. The final victory must be ours. Duke Zhuang thought this method was wonderful, so he ordered the soldiers to stay there and prepare to fight. When the Qi army rushed up, they saw the Lu army in a neat line. It was not easy to break through the defense line, so we had to retreat. Soon, the Qi army attacked again, while the Lu army was still stationed in place. The officers and soldiers of the state of Qi thought that the Lu army was timid and began to despise the enemy. When the Qi army beat the drums for the third time, their fighting spirit began to relax. When Cao GUI saw that Qi was exhausted and haggard after two attacks, he told him that it was time to attack and ordered the soldiers to beat the drums. Moreover, in the first two attacks, Lu was already in place, so he was ready to fight the enemy to the end. Now, as soon as they heard the drum of the attack, they became as fast as the arrow from the string. Now, the soldiers of Lu rushed into the Qi army like the tide. The Qi army did not expect the Lu army to have such fierce morale and high morale. The Qi soldiers were afraid to escape, one one after another. Now they have the courage and strength to fight, as a result, they were defeated by the Lu army, defeated and fled.

坐满千人的礼堂一片寂静,李教授刚讲完以逸待劳曹刿论战的故事,台下就有一位女同学不用举手示意提问直接就大声提出质疑:“请问李教授,大国掌握着制海权制空权,又在登陆之前发动三个波次的导弹和火箭弹覆盖洗地攻击,并且还派战机进行了一次定点清理,还提前半小时空降了伞兵到登陆位置做好接应登陆准备,我是想请问一声李教授,在这样强大火力打击之下,台湾表面阵地上可能连一只活耗子都找不到了,还能有活人反击登陆部队吗?”       还有和这位女同学一样想法的同学吗?如果有就请举起你们的手来让我看看到底有多少同学有这种想法?

With one thousand auditorium silence, professor li just finished waiting Cao GUI debate story, the audience is a female students don't have to raise your hand to ask questions directly loudly questioned: " professor li, power holds the sea power system air power, and before landing three wave of missiles and rockets cover wash attack, and also sent aircraft for a fixed-point cleaning, also airborne paratroopers to landing position ready, I want to please a professor li, under such a powerful firepower, Taiwan surface position may even find a live mouse, Can there be a living counterattack landing troops?"Is there any other student who thinks the same way? If so, please raise your hands and show me how many students have this idea?

礼堂里面有半数都举起手来,表示难以理解和信服。       好,大家都把手放下来。

Half of the auditorium raised their hands to be incomprehensible and convincing. Okay, everyone put their hands down.


You Chinese are all strangers to the film ganling, right? In those days, our country's artillery fire to the Shangganling mountain just alive to blast about two meters, not to mention a mouse, the surface of the position is no living life. But your Chinese volunteers hid in the tunnel desperately resist, until the end of the battle we did not occupy the Shangganling position. How did your volunteers survive? Taiwan's defense system, built for half a century, can withstand nuclear weapons. Take the current Palestinian Hamas armed group for example, the lack of guns and weapons is far different from Israel, which can only dig its own tunnels and lack food and drink. Even in this difficult environment, Hamas has insisted on the street fighting in Gaza City for several months, causing a heavy blow to the Israeli economy. Hamas had only 30,000 troops, unable to confront the 300,000 modern troops armed by Israel, but only street fighting brought Israel down. Remember the crushing defeat of Russia in the first Chechen war? Russia is a fighting nation, the first street fighting in Chechnya and finally had to withdraw.


Priger is defeated, because pride ignores the enemy. Did not put the opponent in the eye, think that the opponent is only some military discipline lax no combat effectiveness of the strawberry soldiers, heard the gun on the scare urine pants.


Students, you must remember, do not be arrogant. Too confident is conceited, and the conceited army, even if armed to the teeth, will feel the pain of the teeth knocked out after the fight. Another question is that most of you in China cannot understand, that is, why Tsinghua University, your highest university, has become a base for cultivating high-tech talents for our beautiful country? What made the countless elites educated by Tsinghua University and Peking University finally become loyal to our beautiful country, helping us design missiles, aircraft carriers, and space technology, and laser and electronic warfare countermeasures weapons? What is the reason that the elite supported by so many big countries left after eating the big country food, and still wanted to blame the big country after leaving? Shouldn't you reflect on yourself? I know why, but I can't say it because the curse comes.


Students, if you open the wisdom, you will not be greedy and desire again, your great country has a bright future, tomorrow will inevitably become the world's first. Your big country is not weak and incompetent. You dare not even touch a small Philippines. Your big country only needs to send a 10,000-ton drive to defeat the Philippines. But you power didn't do so, because your big leaders understand the Taoist truth, advocating the Belt and Road world economic initiative, put forward the concept of human destiny community and gradually implement the, the domestic anti-corruption, solve the suffering of the suspension, let one billion four billion people have food hungry, can make 1.4 billion people eat, this is a miracle.



Although our beautiful country has the first military strength and the first economic strength in the world, in fact, these are all castles in the air, and a gust of wind will disappear without a trace. Your big country is the wind, because your founding leader Chairman MAO once said: either the east wind overcomes the west wind, or the west wind overcomes the east wind. As the saying goes, 30 years east of the river, 30 years west of the river, feng shui turns, now the sky has changed, the east wind up, overwhelming the west wind thirty years began. Students, if you have political foresight, after graduation in their own country to find a job, our beautiful countries have to collapse, tomorrow will be due to the collapse of the economic collapse, you in beautiful countries also stormy period yearning paradise of life, really there until the beautiful countries bankruptcy collapse, you also won't accept your betrayal, by that time you will like a people wandering the earth.


Modern warfare and strategy, to sum up: modern warfare is about logistics. Strategy is to defend in China. Your great power in the East can win in the world only because you stick to the middle path. The two sides of the Taiwan Straits will not fight at war, let alone let the two sides of the Chinese nation kill each other. If you kill each other, even fools will laugh, because the Chinese people know the seven step poem:






The beans burn the beans, and the beans cry in the kettle. Grown from the same seeds and why boil us so hot. The leader of your great country is the Oriental sage who was born in 2024. You should closely support him, unite around the sage, and strive for the early realization of the dream of a great country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! Thunderundering applause in the auditorium... (eight) Please look forward to it



The nation's strategic literature predicts the third World War science fiction novel Tomorrow Tomorrow —— by Tao doctor


Sun Tzu's art of war almost all people know, the students have heard the story of Sun Bin beheaded the princess, please raise your hand, I see how many students know something about this story?


Less than 20 percent of the students in the auditorium raised their hands to say they had heard them.


During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the king of the State of Wu ruled the army with his grandson. In order to investigate his grandson's talent, he asked the maids and concubines in the palace to practice, and used two pet concubines as captains. Sun Tzu repeatedly stressed to them that there was no joke in the army, and that the disobedience was beheaded.


Sun Tzu gave the order. The concubine of the harem not only no one listen to, but xi xi ha ha to you see me I see your waist all smile bent. Sun Tzu said, "The order is not clear, it is my responsibility," so he repeatedly stressed the violation. Then they beat the drum and issue the command again. No one listened to the concubines, laughing again. Sun Tzu said, " I have made the military order clear, but I still do not obey the orders. The captain takes the lead in violating the military discipline and should be dealt with according to the military law."So, regardless of He Lu love really killed the king of Wu's beloved concubine. It turned out that the concubines who were not straight really became an army. The king of Wu was an enlightened king. He did not resent his grandson but also worshipped Sun Wu as a general.







Military orders like a mountain, when those palace maids and concubines in the grandson's training, changed the usual affectation, had to obey orders to obey the command. In the past two years, I have lived and eaten with the officers and men on the island. Instead of teaching them how to fight, I have taught them to change their ideas and understand how Sun Tzu has applied the 36 tactics of war flexibly in modern high-tech wars. Both the ancient Sun Tzu's Art of War and the military theory of modern war belong to a kind of military culture, and the culture will be spread by later generations. No one to learn can not learn the enemy respectively. This is where the word culture without borders comes from. At that time, aspiring young People in China studied in Japan and studied military theory at the Japanese Army Academy. Some also went to the German Military Academy to study military theory. Many Chinese people have been to the Moscow Military Academy to study military theory. The Shijiazhuang Army College now taught young Palestinian Arafat, and the spokesmen of the rebels in Yemen are all students at the Shijiazhuang Army College. I teach the island soldiers professor grandson strategy and modern war defense plan, also don't hide the spread of the culture, also put the military culture spread to you, just see who learn good, good understanding, can in the future tomorrow's war to you learn modern high-tech war theory to the extreme in actual combat.


Sun Tzu's Art of War is a work of the Chinese people. Now the armies around the world are learning from him. Once the culture will not be outdated, it depends on how you flexibly apply it. Sun Tzu's art of war has been around for thousands of years, and modern high-tech wars are still inseparable from its guiding ideology. If a country's army relies too much on the modernization of weapons and is arrogant, ignoring the strategy of ancient war, the result of the war can be imagined.


Some students raised their hands to ask questions. Professor Li clicked with his finger: this student can ask a question, please speak.


Hello, Professor Li, I am a senior student. I am particularly concerned about the content of your book on modern high-tech war. After reading it, there is one question I have not understood. Why close three nautical miles to attack?



Good, please sit down. Let me answer this student's question briefly.


The first is that the three-mile target is already fixed in coordinates and does not have to be determined again. The second is that the distance will give the other side to increase the reaction time, improve the success rate of the other side. The third is that our electromagnetic interference range is within five nautical miles, more than five nautical miles will lose the role of electromagnetic interference. The fourth is that the island can use three groups of vehicle mobile missile vehicles, half an hour interval alternately launch anti-ship missiles, five vehicles for a group, after a shot quickly back to the cave to load again with the missile, the second batch of the first batch of missiles has been hidden out of the cave to reach the launch position waiting for the command. It is pided into three groups, a group of five vehicles, each vehicle can launch six anti-ship missiles, a single shot can hit six anti-ship missiles, five vehicles is 30, half an hour interval. A total of 15 vehicle-mounted missiles are prepared in three shifts, also known as the wheel warfare method. In the range of powerful electromagnetic interference, the anti-ship missile is difficult to be found by the radar of the other warship, and the distance is too close, there is no time to intercept the target in time. A single shot can sink five ships and severely damage 25 ships. This is called a bullet.


Putting close and fighting is sun Tzu's strategy to lure the enemy deeply. If he blindly relies on high-tech weapons, he will blindly launch missiles when the other warship just crosses the center line, and find the other side in time and be all intercepted. The other party will not receive any damage. The other side will choose two landing positions in the middle of the west of the island, so there are about 300 real landing ships. The other side did not dare to underestimate the enemy, will first send half of the troops to try to land, leaving half as a backup.


When the other side drove three nautical miles into the range of electromagnetic interference, the island turned on the strong electromagnetic interference, and launched the first wave of anti-ship missile attack. These are instantaneous things, before and after ten seconds, the other side more than 300 warships will be sunk on the spot five, 25, then will produce a large number of casualties. Kojima anti-ship missile using wheel tactics, every half an hour, the other side can only save people, first eager to transport the casualties back to their own place for treatment, landing troops will be affected by the sudden situation of the landing process.


As the first line of the beach was quiet, when the opposing troops began to leave the ship and sit on the landing tools and start to land, three green flares soared, and the artillery cover lasted for half an hour... When the landing troops stepped over the beach and rushed into the firepower of the beach head guard troops, the hail of bullets than the storm made the landing troops have to lie down.


After the beach guards have shot up all the bullets, they will retreat to the second defensive position ten kilometers away to continue their resistance with the soldiers of the second defensive position. At this time, Sun Tzu's art of War 36 plan began to implement. So modern war is a high-tech war, but high-tech war still needs people to master, to have a strategy. War is logistics, but can not rely on modern weapons and ignore strategy. A great power opposite the island has only a 50 percent chance of attacking the island by force. And the island is fighting the military morale and public support. A regional leader who has solved the livelihood problem will naturally have the people of the region to support her.


So the island adopted Sun Tzu's art of war 36 to wait for work, and used the plan of arrogance, and then to static brake, lure the enemy deep, and then surround the point to help. Finally, there is the town street fighting. I have told it to my classmates two days ago, and I will not repeat it today. If the opposite party insists on launching a civil war, the biggest concern is the logistics problem. As long as the island besieged the first landing troops on the beachhead, the siege began.






The island's Allies will impose a missile blockade on the island beyond the visual range, and even a mosquito will not fly in. The first troops that landed and had already occupied the beachhead would run out of ammunition and food within three days, because the island had cleared the war and cut off the water. Around and not dozen, just used to do bait to attract the other side to support. Then send aid at sea. Cruel war lasted until a month of time, Japanese agents started the country plan, against the great capital launched the biochemical attacks.... the day after the biochemical attacks, a strategic stealth bomber in the beautiful country flew over eleven o'clock in the daytime, this is called noon three hour to cut, the great capital, millennium ancient capital instantly into ruins. Some students also raised their hands to ask questions. Professor Li, are tomorrow's affairs irreversible? Good, good. Very well asked. Please sit down with this classmate. If the world wants to reverse the possible civil war of tomorrow, there is this message in the study of the future and tomorrow. I saw the topic "Tomorrow" uploaded on the Internet by the heads of the governments of Austria, Malta and Bulgaria, who thought about it and gave it to UN Secretary-General Antonio. Guterres called to call an emergency meeting of the United Nations to discuss the so-called martial unification of great powers.

联合国总部就设在我们漂亮国的纽约市,第二天由奥地利、马耳他和保加利亚三国联合提出的关于大国发动武统是否需要经过联合国授权的提案交由联合国大会讨论。 在联合国会议讨论的过程中辩论十分激烈,大国代表义正言辞,表示两岸问题是我们内部的家事,任何人不得干涉。小岛问题是我们大国的核心问题,并且是核心中的核心。如果和平不能统一,那我们不能再无期限等待下去,最后必须实行武统,不惜任何代价也要统一。

The United Nations is headquartered in New York City, our beautiful country. On the next day, a proposal jointly proposed by Austria, Malta and Bulgaria on whether the major powers should be authorized by the United Nations was submitted to the United Nations General Assembly for discussion. During the discussion at the UN meeting, the debate was very fierce. The representatives of major powers said that cross-strait issues are our internal family affairs and no one is allowed to interfere. The small island issue is the core issue of our big country, and it is the core of the core. If peace cannot be unified, then we can no longer wait. Finally, we must implement the military unification and be unified at any cost.



The heated debate lasted a whole day, and no one could convince the other. Finally, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made a concluding speech. After a day of discussion, the United Nations finally made a decision: " The People's Republic of China shall not use force to continue to start the war of liberation. Because now this problem is no longer your family problem, but it will cause the problem of "World War III", and its serious consequences will affect the safety of the whole world. Einstein once said that the third World War was a nuclear war, and the military attack by the great power on the island would trigger the chemical attack of the plaster country and the nuclear beheaded of the beautiful country, which would confuse the whole world, and the nuclear war would break out and destroy all mankind. If your big country does not listen to the advice of the United Nations and insists on launching the liberation war, please withdraw from the UN organization. The UN organization will reconsider the restoration of the Republic of China in the United Nations. At any time, the United Nations only recognizes that there is only one China in the world. China must be a country that serves the people, rather than a autocratic country of corruption, corruption and bribery.”




孙武到齐国之后,齐王让他证明下自己的能力,把后宫的女眷叫来,让孙武训练她们。开始她们不听号令,孙武重申了两遍之后,她们一样嬉笑打闹。孙武将两个期望最宠爱的妃子斩了,结果其他人都认真起来。齐王也很佩服。 这说的是孙武。他著有《孙子兵法》。



From your question, I can only tell you that there is a United Nations in the world, and the questions you care need to be discussed by the United Nations to give a fair answer. Finally, I sorted out some network materials about Sun Tzu's art of War for the students. After returning home after class, I can take time to have a few eyes and have a superficial understanding of the ancient art of war. Sun Tzu was not Sun Bin, Sun Tzu's art of war was written by Sun Wu, originally named Sun Wu, the people of Qi. After Sun Wu arrived in the state of Qi, the king of Qi asked him to prove his ability, called in the women in the harem, and asked Sun Wu to train them. At first they did not listen to the order, Sun Wu repeated twice, they laughed and played. Sun Wu beheaded two concubines he expected to favorite, and the others became serious. The king of Qi also admired him very much. This means Sun Wu. He is the author of Sun Tzu's Art of War. Sun Bin was a descendant of Sun Wu. Surrounding Wei and saving Zhao was a battle with Pang Juan, the strategist of Wei. Pang Juan was the one who broke his hamstring. His work Sun Bin's Art of War was written on the basis of summarizing Sun Wu's Art of War. Later generations believed that Sun Tzu's Art of War was written by Sun Bin. Later, the Art of War of Sun Bin was unearthed. After investigation and research, Sun Tzu's Art of War was a work of Sun Wu. Sun Tzu's Art of War, also known as The Art of Sun Wu, The Art of War, Sun Tzu's Book of Sun Wu, is the earliest existing military books in China and the earliest military works in the world. It is about 2,300 years before Clausewitz on War and is known as the "Holy Canon of Military Studies". There are about six thousand words, a total of thirteen articles. The author is Sun Wu, a general of the State of Wu whose ancestral home was from Le'an in the state of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period.


……Sun Tzu's Art of War is a brilliant treasure of ancient Chinese military cultural heritage and an important part of excellent traditional culture. It has extensive and profound content, profound and rigorous logic, and is the concentrated embodiment of the essence of ancient military thought.




标题:大国战略文学作品 ——预言第三次世界大战科幻小说(5-9篇) 《明天》 ——作者:道医
